No "ugly"?

No ugly - just the Good and the Bad.  
Note to self - watch where you put things!!!

That wee Sansevieria has already had one narrow escape.  I picked it up, and put it en route to be re-potted - given we ever get a dry day.  
I tipped 0.7"≈18mm already today.  Trouble is - I put it a bit too close to an edge.  Result - a stylish dive as I knocked it, in the gloom, reaching for something else.
That's the Bad.

The Good?
The Orchid which took a tumble in early June, resulting in damage + partial dehydration as I hadn't immediately noticed the fact.
The parent - dead and gone - par for the course & expected; duly removed, much improving the overall appearance.
Hacking off the brown bits from the remaining damaged leaves did a touch more.  However - there's also evidence of fresh, new, never bounced, leaves appearing.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Discovery of the night? - Slow Cookers work MUCH better if switched on.

( :¬o)

N.B. NO I don't have three, I just "glued some on".
Left to right - 1st glance - closer look - what it should look like.  
There's the tiniest green point showing - I'm wondering, hoping, † , that it'll turn out to be the next new leaf from a, hopefully, undamaged Meristem.

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