Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Drive-by blip!

I find it odd how the subjects are blurred and the background isn't! But then they were moving and I was on the bus.
Not the best photo I took but I feel that its most representative of Edinburgh today with the big England/Ireland rugby game. And I do like how they really look like they are moving forward in a hurry and two of them are pointing ahead. This was taken at about 3.30pm when masses of people were pouring down Bread St from the Grassmarket and West port on their way to the match. Lots of shouting and raucous excited activity :o)

I had buyers remorse after yesterdays shopping spree, so I am somewhat reluctantly returning the books I bought (I do after all have at least 60 unread books waiting for me here!) also having realised that Mrs D can get me discount has made me reconsider.... lol ;o)

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