Only MARGINALLY disabled?

Daft Grumble Alert!

Having copies of both "Welsh without worry" and "Gaelic without groans" PLUS having seen a copy of "Let stalk Strine." and heard "Larn Yersel' Geordie" by Mike Neville & George House; I though:- 
Why not "Larn Cummerland Dialect Marra,"?
Fust lesson:- 
"Thoo'll git theesel badly liked!" = "You  will become awfully unpopular!"

I presume this person, of whatever gender, and blonde or not, must be only very slightly mentally disabled, using such a tiny proportion of a disabled space?  I chose the nearest/only disabled parking slot; this one.  Getting out might have been more difficult had I been less "lish" - fit/flexible.  As luck would have it, I got in, ordered a Breakfast THEN discovered I'd left my Plastic-money@home. On my return there was a nearer/better slot available.

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