Another busy day

Last day at the Conference. I took the bus up to save my legs. The last two sessions were grand, and in and amongst I managed to see some people at other events, such as PLS, EKA and JS (over from another building). After lunch, we had our directorial meeting, and then I cadged a lift in a taxi back in to town, before extensive dialogue with Mr A on what's app about trains and possibilities for getting back to Edinburgh on Saturday. It seems likely it will work.

I walked down to the city and picked up some notebooks in Pineider (quite the indulgence) before visiting MV and partner, who were hosting a small soiree. Taxi back to the hotel at the end of the evening.

A miscellany of my day, including a fairly random installation which has put outside San Lorenzo. For the record, that is feijoa, not a native plant. Someone in Maiano is growing it, just randomly, and he took a walk to go and collect some of the windfalls on the path.

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