
By Chiara


Taken from here to where it came from
And taken to a place
And used in such a manner that it can only remain as
A representation of what it was where it came from.

The Art Institute of Chicago just opened a new wing called the Modern Wing. Quite frankly, I wasn't very impressed with the modern artwork displayed there. I think that, generally, today's artists are pretentious hacks who think that they hold the secret to the meaning of life and they expect everyone to be enlightened by their crappy artwork (or even more so the placard next to it explaining what the damn piece is supposed to mean). I'm a simple person. I like my artwork to be pleasing to the eye and I like my films to be entertaining (which means something with a storyline, for Pete's sake).

I could go on and on about how much bullshit modern "art" overshadows genuine art, but I'll save it for another time.

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