Not my cat

What a day. 
Up at stupid o clock to get to #66 in order to Freckle sit while Jennie and Adam went for their scan. She had been told the week before she was measuring big but not worry - big eye roll emoji here - and that she would be booked in for an emergency scan even though it wasn't emergency. So she spent the week worrying, obviously, but found out today that everything is A1 ok. He is a big boy that's all. He's weighing 3.5lbs and is the top 90% percentile which is lovely. He's going to be a beautiful round baby. 
I had a couple of hours in The PaD playing about and then had a bath before we headed out to Rachel and John's for drinks and nibbles. Such a good night. We ended up staying chatting till 2.30am!!!!! Don't think we've out that late since doing the Moonwalk in 2007. 

Not my cat lives at #66 and is usually upstairs when we go over so it was lovely to be blessed with her fussiness. 

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