Poorly Woody.

I've been busy today. Clearing leaves and plastering where the electricians channelled out to rewire. I'm no expert at plastering, in fact I've never attempted it before, and as the wall will be behind the wardrobe, I felt I could get away with it! Can't keep waiting for tradespeople.

Poor Jodie has spent yet more time in hospital. Only 10 days after spending 4 days in there with Louis. This time with poor Woody. He has Periorbital cellulitis. On Thursday he came out of school with a sore eye which progressively got worse, shown in my blip image. She rang 111 who said she needed to get him to A&E fast as he needed IV antibiotics asap. A&E was 'standing room only'. Only one paediatric Doctor on duty who was run ragged. Luckily Jodie its a very assertive person (unlike me). She insisted he was seen as an emergency. She had photographed his eye over the evening and felt bad insisting as they were so busy, but if Woody didn't get seen immediately, the infection could spread to his brain, and there would be a bigger problem to deal with. Once the Doctor saw the speed at which the infection was spreading (thank goodness for phone cameras, and assertive Mums). He was on the ward in no time with IV antibiotics. They have just got home with oral antibiotics for the rest of the course.

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