Second Test.

Test one - "Product placement".  I made Porridge using Flahavan's©
"Jumbo Oats".  The good and the bad?
The good? - Best Porridge I ever ate, the added Sultanas did help - BUT - the verdict would haver been the same without them.
The Bad?  - Over night was too long to keep heat, necessitating a reheat.

Second Test.  Embryonic Taty Hash.  The "Thin Mutton" (West Cumbria)/Breast of Lamb(Posh Penrith) was brought to a boil, added to The Box and ignored.  Three hours later I tested it, using my "Digital Thermometer" (Right index Digit), having mislaid the real one.  
At School "Old Solomon" used to teach - "Put the flask on your hand, if you think 'that's a bit hottish, I ought to take it off' that's about 60˚C"  I can still estimate 60˚.  Later, using the real thermometer I discovered 40˚C was a bit hot to get into the Bath.  On the strength of which I'd guesstimate it was about 40-50˚C after three hours.

Before bed I'll have it out, remove the Ribs and Sinews and cut it to sizes.  Tomorrow the rest will go in - heat and repeat. 

If there's a weak Link, it's the top closure; it could be improved on.

That's another job jobbed.  Bones out, a further three hours later.  Had it been the Bath I'd have happily got in without the need to add hot.

A further plus, of course - comes tomorrow, out of the Box for 100% certainty, the fat'll have congealed and be "off-liftable".

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