Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Late last night I got a message from my friend in Germany. I had to read the message several times because I had a hard time taking it in. She and her wife had two dogs and one cat. My favourite of the two dogs died about a month ago from old age, and illness. The other one, which is my friends baby boy, had some bladder problems but the vet was trying different medications and he (the dog) was happy and doing ok. Well, he (still the dog) was rather lost when his friend died (the other dog) for a couple of days, but he was taken good care of from my friend who had the possibility to work from home. 
So, the message from my friend was that their second dog had to be put down because the vet had discovered cancer...and cancer that had spread. It's terrible to loose one dog, but to loose two in such a short time... well, everybody that's own a dog and had to go through this knows.

I did get something done on the patio today. Unfortunately my energy burst to do something outside came at the same time as the snow blew in... a cold wind blew snow on to the patio while I was working with putting down garlic (still have an onion to plant since I miscalculated the space...), and also cutting down the plants I had outside. As you see, my nasturtium plants were still having flowers when I threw them out... and it had snowed a bit before. I also placed my lavender cuttings inside the 'greenhouse'. I still have things to do, but since it will snow a lot tomorrow, I'll wait for calmer weather.

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