The fear of rats & mice. Mum has a real fear, even nightmares featuring mice & rats, this guinea-pig birthday card from her brother was also giving her the eebie jeebies, so she faced it towards the window. I don't blame her... A strange card for a 90th birthday. Nowt so queer!!!
A very chilly morning, my hands were really hurting with the cold by the time I'd walked back from fetching the newspaper. Windscreen frozen.. Brggghhh! Woolly hat & warm gloves for our walk across the heath. I scattered loads of pot marigold seed along the grass verge coming into the village. Some may germinate & add a splash of colour next year fingers crossed.
Horse racing this afternoon. Mum took us to the cleaners.. 3 firsts, a second, & a third, I had one winner, hubby nada.
I made moroccan meatballs with a tomato sauce on bulgar wheat with garlic bread for dinner tonight... Think tagine in a meatball. :-)
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