The day to start is today

By Traci

Spending today complaining

about yesterday won't make tomorrow any better

Not saying today was perfect by any means but it was a lot lot better than I expected, there was even a sense of humour about the place while the 'inspection' was going on ..... and lots of cake - sugar levels to be kept high at all times.

We still have tomorrow to go and that will be a long haul as the sugar will be running out but if they can't see that our school is the bestest ever then they aren't looking properly. Our children are well behaved and enthusiastic. They make a struggle of a day worth struggling though and they should get 'excellent' even though the scores, grades and figures don't always look brilliant.

Most of them here have their own struggles of all different sizes and can't make the grades the government think we should be able to get them to, unless they introduce a magic wand. Does that have to be what it is all about ???

Right battery recharge and smiley professional face on for tomorrow - as always, of course

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