Carnival’s Back

For the first time since before lockdown, the Somerset Carnival returned this year and the season has been in full swing for the last fortnight, culminating at Glastonbury tonight.

Over 50 Carnival Clubs spend all year holding fund-raising events, building the floats, making costumes and props and rehearsing routines to put on what was a spectacular show. 

The floats are often up to 100 feet long and pulled by tractors so they can be difficult to manoeuvre around the tight bends and narrow streets of the local towns, leading to hold ups but this year’s procession flowed smoothly, only taking about 90 minutes to pass us at our vantage point near the start.

This photo of one small part of one float is typical of the colour, light and movement. Others in extras

This morning we clocked up another Park Run in the first frost of the winter. The nip in the air certainly encouraged us to keep moving

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