
By Nettenet

The lion and lamb

Plus O and Lucy.

It was Farnhams Christmas light switch on today.  They have a big stage set up surrounded by several stalls and different events going on throughout the afternoon.  Like previous years, Rebecca and her little dance school were the opening act.  She had Lucy, Josh, Natalie and I as backstage helpers and I have to confess it is a manic hour.  40+ little ones arrive , the youngest being 2.5 years old. We change their shoes and just before they are due on stage we whip their coats off ~ while trying to make sure coats/shoes are in the correct group bags (big blue ikea ones ;-D).  On stage with Bex and then back off, next group on and find coats/shoes for those that have just come off.  Whilst we were waiting Josh had them sitting in front of him eating out of his hand. He did well keeping them entertained.

Sim and Nat came to watch. They are usually late and miss it but I think missed just the first dance today :-). We all went for a much needed coffee afterwards in the very pretty Lamb and Lion yard, a little cobbled yard with shops and restaurants.

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