A Hole in One

…………………one side of the door threshold that is!

Very late on parade today…it’s so dark in the bedroom my natural body clock isn’t functioning! I’ve switched my SAD light/alarm on to hopefully help matters.

A couple of loads of washing done…towels tumble dried and the rest drying on the airer. A walk along the prom at sunset…where things were calm and bright once more, although the beach is looking worse for wear (extra). A bit of sorting before trying to print out a photo for camera club…something which failed miserably! For some reason my printer only offers to print A4 or 6 x 4 and I want to print 7 x 5…I’ve yet to work out how to make do this, suspect I’m going to have to switch the laptop on and try to add print sizes so I’ve given up for tonight.

Tea was leftovers so very easy…now watching Strictly results.

Thanks to 60plus for hosting Derelict Sunday this week.

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