Strolling at Salinas

We collected Claire about midday (after the kids and I caught up with Strictly) and went for a walk at Salinas, one of my favourite winter beaches. It's so gorgeously wild and rugged - Asha climbed up and down, in and out of anything she could. We walked much further along than we normally would and came across this gorgeous little cove. It will definitely be revisited this winter. Great to get all the way to the watchtower and then walk back through the forest collecting pine needles and rosemary for an infusion. Pine needles are crazy high in vitamin C and so fresh tasting. We added a drop of honey and some cinnamon to the tea. 
Asha had a video call with her friend from SCBC, Annabelle. They each got their art and watercolours out and nattered as they painted. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) This beautiful island.
2) Danny meeting up with the guy who was shouting for him for ages last night. He's going to try and get him into the new homeless hostel.
3) The joy of foraging.

Today's joy theme is 'traditions';
1) The tradition of weekend winter walks. 
2) Our Sunday morning tradition of catching up on Strictly whilst still in pjs.
3) Beginning to look forward to advent and Christmas and the annual family traditions we'll pick up on again. It feels like a bonding time.

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