
By kkelly17MT

all aboard

I live in a fairly rural area (outside of the “city limits” and very close to the county line) which definitely has its perks. One major con, however, is that I have to cross the rail road tracks to get to my house. I guess you could say I live on the “wrong side of the tracks” haha. Now I don’t mind the train itself and I understand it’s necessity. What I DO mind is that every single time, without fail, I get stuck waiting for the train to go by when I really need to pee. Every. Single. Time. and mind you this is not a short train. No, it’s an incredibly long freight train that goes by at the speed of molasses. It also has a very irregular schedule so I cannot plan my trips around it.
Now I know this is all very much a first world problem, but one of these days I swear I’m going to have an accident in my car because of this train.
But hey, at least I have a nice view to watch while I sit in my car with crossed legs.
I think I may have overshared today…

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