The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Fluid Plans

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

The plan (before The Prince headed to Murrayfield to watch the rugby yesterday) was to go somewhere nice for a walk with Murphy this morning.

You’ll note that I said “before”.

I went back into our room at 11 am. To my surprise he was awake and insisted that this was still the plan. There was evidence to the contrary (3 times of announcing his intention to get out of bed and not moving) but he still seemed certain that all he needed was a bacon roll to set him

Me: “Why don’t I just head out with Murphy?”

TP (emphatically): “No, I’m definitely coming for a walk” *starts to stand up* “No, no I’m not”

When the spirit is willing but the flesh is hungover!


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