Help yourself Bessie

It was freezing today. All of a sudden we have full on winter. Poor Henry had a long drive to Huntindon today, and needed to be there by 9, so had an early start. I was awake at 5. At 5.30 his alarm went off, and I heard him snooze it twice! When he eventually got up, he was out the door within about 15 minutes. I heard him scraping the ice off his windows. I was awake until it was time to get up. So feeling tired now.

Jon went in to Norwich. I worry more about him on his bike in this weather. I cycled up to the allotment to feed Bessie. We have chosen to leave our heating on now. It's only an hour in the morning, then 4pm to 8pm. It's keeping the edge off the cold in the evening, but still cold in the day.

I spoke to a lady at lunchtime about making wills. We know we should have one, but it's an expensive thing that has never made it to the top of our priorities. After listening to a MartinLewis podcast I decided we just have to get even the most basic one done now, then decide when we retire if it needs to be more detailed.

After work, Jon and I went to lidl to do a big shop comprising of some Christmas stuff, with the sole intention of benefitting as much as possible from the 10% off voucher I had. The Lidl app gives really good bonuses and if you spend £250 in a month, then the following week you qualify for a 10% off your next shop (except alcohol) Today we saved just over £18. We got our turkey, a medium sized one, plus lots of other bits! I'm being careful to maximise my savings, and did a tesco shop Saturday where I saved £6 on a £40 shop. It's important with some of the apps to pre-load any offers. Morrisons is like that.

Not sure where we are going to put everything I bought, but I got the freezer stuff in.

We are both feeling tired so heading to bed after the evening quizes on TV!

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