Something to think about

Up at 5am to watch the match against Iran. 
Some may think of the stand that the Iranian players took by refusing to sing their national anthem was nothing significant. 
Me, I think it showed courage on their part. Who  knows what censure/punishment they may receive upon their return home.

Later, I met for the first time with my new doctor, who, is Iranian.
He hadn't seen the game yet but told me that he wasn't expecting much from them, due to the shitshow that's going on back in Iran.
As the days go by, the more stories we hear about the lengths that the Qataris will go to, is there no end?
And FIFA. 
Well FIFA, need I say more?
Football lives in the grass roots. 
Sunday league played on a muddy field in pissing rain with half the team nursing a 5 alarm hangover. 
Two coats thrown down to act as makeshift goal posts.
Berating your buddy because it was his turn to bring the half time oranges and he forgot. 
Perhaps FIFA need to remember that without the grass roots, there is no FIFA.

Ah well.. 

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