My Type Of Souvenirs

I paid for these
if you please

Adventure over!  Back home -- supermarket errands, kitchen duties.

Most important was finally replying to the Viking's mails.  He's also busy with his other clients, of course, and well he should be, but he always looks forward to my replies.  I took the time to print out everything and analyze the various angles he presented.

Most pleasant was catching up with my gaming and my sleep.  The weather was especially suitable for the latter -- minus 10 at night, unbroken cloud, occasional light rain.  I hadn't used my hair dryer, or föhn, for years, and nowadays it is being conveniently put to good use as a bed warmer.

Thank you very much for your support in the past three days.  There has been much admiration for my efforts.  I'll let you in on a secret -- the whole enterprise was relatively easy to undertake.  The steepest mountain I've had to climb was pleasing my 'parents'.  I'd never managed to do that.  Compared to that, this trip was a fun adventure and peanuts.

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