Morning visitor.

The squirrel who comes into our garden and indeed several gardens, as there are quite a few squirrels around here. There are plenty of trees in which to build their drey’s.
He had come to purloin some nuts from the metal feeder near the patio window.
I’ve hung it away from the two main bird feeders as they used to squabble!
It was lovely to have a long walk then in the sunshine and mistiness after all that rain yesterday.
A calm weather day. Hardly any wind.
We just stopped off briefly, at our son’s, to drop off some grape and raisin bread which the grandchildren really love.
Our eldest granddaughter was off school with a heavy cold but brightened up when she saw us through the window.
We didn’t stay long as it was almost lunchtime. Just as we were leaving she asked her dad if she could give us a couple of mince pies she had made that morning.
We really enjoyed them as we set off to walk back home.
After lunch I’ve been out in the garden, giving the roses a light prune, which I do every year. Then a good prune in March.
A lot of them are still flowering but any frost now would just burn their petals. So I brought a few in and put them in a vase on the kitchen windowsill.
I loved the golden light as the sun was by that time very low on the horizon.
It is now 15.55 and still light. Such a contrast to yesterday at this time.
The robin was singing on and off as I worked in the flower beds.
A friend is coming to tea today.

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