Kerstin's photojourney

By kerstinsphotos

After dark...

... was this weeks TUT theme and my TUT partner and friend Marcelle and I did a good job to show what happens after dark...

Marcelle took the above photo - and I am blown away how beautiful she captured her light - you can see sooo many little details even its totally dark around . Marcelle with this image you blew me away - great thinking and work. I simply love it...

When its "bedtime" for me I never go to sleep without reading - even its just a few lines - I love reading, I love books and I love reading with my KINDLE - it has a light so you can read without a light on which is perfect for me :)

Marcelle thank you sooo much for being my TUT partner - its such a fun to see how both of us really DO WORK on our weekly themes. And again we both thought similar and nevertheless took different images.

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