The Keendom

By lookeengood

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Today was another beautiful sunny day and seeing as my car is in the garage (failing) its mot, we decided to take a walk to a nice local pub garden and have a drink and some chips. The girls were up before 6 (randomly for Rose) and as it was so hot and an up hill walk rose went in the stroller for the first time in about 6 months! I'm glad she did as she was just to tired to make it all that way and still enjoy herself. I think she enjoyed the novelty of being chauffeured around.
This was Maisys first trip to the pub and think she enjoyed herself walking around the garden. Let's hope summer is a good one and this can happen again!
I took so many lovely pictures today it was hard to choose one but I went for this one because I actually managed to capture her growing confidence in walking.

Tomorrow she will have her first shoes :)

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