Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


Woke at 8:30, good sleep.

Leisurely got ready for the day and went to visit AJ at 11. She was sitting in the dining room having just finished her breakfast. Good chat, no news to share but we talked about all sorts of stuff from her remembering stir up Sunday when she was young and how life is different for her now, how she hates being hoisted out of bed and her mind says sh3 can’t walk but her body is not listening. I tried to play her a video, but the internet is poor in her home and it was not wanting to download from the cloud. It was an ok visit, she still has a productive cough but they are monitoring this.

On to the shops to stock up on dog treats tgen back home for lunch.

My sister popped in for a coffee and a natter.

Over to our daughters to look after Austin as she had a meeting, Austin asleep on arrival (not a regular midday nap, it just happened).. He was not happy on her leaving (had the same issues on Saturday), but he soon got over it. I asked him what he wanted for Christmas, he replied “a birthday cake, a hot wheels cake”. Collected Caleb from school, he had been to forest club. Back home to theirs for a snack.

Relaxing evening.


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