This Photograph Is Proof.

By romanceisdead

What's The Point?

So, I did homework till midnight last night, I then spent a hour and a half choreographying a dance for the production rehearsal today.

Went to rehearsal, my dancers had the week off Sunday practice, but director asked me to come in and sort the cast moves out.

Went out for lunch with a friend, came back to rehearsal to find some of the cast had made up a dance to the song I choreographed last night.

I was like "Uh, I've done it", which I had told Mr Director as soon as I got there this morning.

To cut the story short, my dance got the can, because the guys were so proud of the one they made up and it would be hard for them to learn another cause they will just resisit my one. Excuse, Excuse. And the girl who is claiming "but it's MY song, I want to do that dance".

I was so proud of my dance, it took me ages, it looked good and I had it all sorted. If I hadn't left for lunch it wouldn't have happened, if they had told me they were going to do it, I would have stayed.

What is the point of having a chorographer? You don't appreciate a bloody thing I do, here I am losing sleep, failing school and on the verge of a burn out for this show and you just throw my work away.

"It's easier having only you fucked off, than having all of them fucked off"

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