Wide Wednesday
Well my photos don’t depict anything to do with flowing water but I’ll post them anyway.
It’s bin day. The dark green bin is a general rubbish weekly collection. We mostly just have one small bag of rubbish each week. The light green top bin is for garden clippings and kitchen scraps for composting. I put the big things and rose clippings in it but otherwise I save it for my own compost or worm farm. It is collected each week. The yellow top bin is for tins and recyclable plastics, cardboard and alfoil. It goes just fortnightly. I can’t really complain about the service. We also get vouchers for the local tip for big things like old lounges and tree branches.
I made my third sourdough today. This one was too wet as I just used plain flour. It came out more like focaccia. Trying again tonight. I remember when I was baking before the flour made a lot of difference so I’ll keep going until I master it. It did have lots of bubbles and air pockets which was good. We tried it for afternoon tea toasted with jam, still tasted fine. I had picked up Maddy and have since taken her home.
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