Making Progress…

Hi Everyone,

Today is the first full day at home for quite a while and I have been making progressing with shorting out my home office. Basically, I have been trying to set things up so it will be a little easier for after my hip is done. I have shoehorned 2 meters of extra desk space in the room but is did rely on cutting the corner off one desktop to allow a cupboard door to open. 

I received a letter from the hospital with more details of my upcoming appointment, there was a questionnaire to complete, needless to say I will not complete my weight until the night before the appointment. 

My brother is home but is a quite sorry state… I have created a rota with the rest of the family and each of us will be taking turns to go to Brighton each day so that he won’t be on his own. It works out that we each make the trip every 5th day.

I have 2 meters of logs for the woodburning coming tomorrow, somehow, I think I will sleep well tomorrow night.

Nothing else to report.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy


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