campervan man

By campervan

Long wait

Another drive to Addenbrookes this morning.
Unfortunately things did not run smoothly. One of their machines was broken which caused a backlog and my guy had not got enough liquid in his system and was sent back to drink more.
I initially went off for a coffee and give him an hour before I returned to the waiting room. He was still there, not happy and drinking lots.
He finally went in for his treatment and my blip is of his coat and bag dumped on the chair plus the corridor he had gone down a few minutes earlier.
In the end the whole thing lasted two and a half hours instead of the usual sixty minutes. When the 3 hours round trip there was little left of the day. I did have time to visit daughter two to hear about her holiday.

I was sad to hear that Wilco Johnson had died.  A guitarist with a very individualistic style, his record with Roger Daltrey singing is part of my small in-car collection of CD's and played regularly.
I will try to make tomorrows blip a bit more cheerful

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