
By Chelsor


I have the loveliest man. He made me these shelves to house the plethora of jars I have accumulated, containing various types of gluten free flours, seeds, spices and other such culinary accessories. I'm so lucky I get to keep him. He's been having a bit of a rough time lately, although he never mentions it or complains. He just stoically carries on, says lovely things to me and is generally the greatest.

.... and what do I do? Be a miserable jerk, obviously. My stupid brain has switched off the happy. Why? I think I'm crashing from being mostly away from London for over a month. I've basically been temporarily stationed in Scotland where I love the people, have some amazing friends and have seen the most amazing scenery. So essentially I have been very happy and content. Something which I haven't felt in a long while.

And then I return to London. Instant drop in morale, vitality, faith in human kind... I struggle with this every day.

But isn't this why I started Blip??! I said I would get out there and appreciate what this city has to offer. Find elements that are beautiful and inspiring. I've failed pretty miserably on this.

I dedicate this blip to my amazing lovely handy man and thank him for his support and patience and love, all the while not asking for anything in return. And I promise that I will try harder to find something to like and appreciate in this crazy mad city...


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