You have to laugh

Woke a bit later this morning then had a zoom call first thing for a 1-2-1 chat sorting out a new committee. I really need to get into the work for my new role properly as soon as I’m home.
Afterwards I treated myself to a coffee and getting my nails done in Ampthill. I do like that little town and they do Christmas lights so well….the whole place twinkles with light icicles along all the pretty old houses and shops in the centre. Rather pleased with the lovely bronze colour I had done.
From there down to P’s and put away some clothes, tidied the study a bit more, and made him lunch (he ate the fish cake but left the potatoes and broccoli as he said he’d rather have had chips and mushy peas because that’s what he always likes with fish. And there was me thinking some fresh cooked food would be better than all the ready meals he usually has….sigh!). Sinking feeling when I finally got hold of the letters about financial assessment for his care costs and read the detail…they do indeed need all the printed statements etc and the thought of battling through all his usernames and passwords again to get to these and print them out rather plunged me into a state of despair. I’d been making so much progress this week as he’d said they’d made the assessment and I assumed we didn’t need to do anything else and felt a burden lifted…now I’m back down in a hole about it. That’s tomorrow sorted then…. :(
Did a bit more desultory tidying then left him to his football watching and went to K’s for a break. We went up to the city centre to wander around….really just confirming what we’d expected, that there’s nothing of interest in the shops but it gave us a chance to chat.. I bought a rather sweet little mince pie plate and we got some spiced buns and went back to hers for tea and the buns, chatting all the way about family, Christmas plans, thoughts about next trips we’d like to make, recliner chairs and new cars.
We had supper together (got to love mashed potatoes and casseroles at this time of year!) then I joined T&Kt at their village’s monthly comedy club. Watching 8 acts, some of them new to it and others trying out new material, really showed up how much skill is involved in the comedians we see at the Fringe or on TV etc…..some of it was quite painful this evening but others were good. Everyone in the audience up for a laugh though, the alcohol was flowing and it got warm and raucous as the evening went on, so it ended up being quite good fun as a night out and certainly made a change.

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