We had a good time at the iCaf today, but again only had three students and another one came in later, but they were all willing to chat and their understanding of English varied, but it was good to find out more about the culture in their countries. We did have a “Whoops” moment, when two of them misconstrued what was depicted on one of the cards we showed them, but it made us all laugh - and I’m sure they realised we weren’t laughing at them but at their interpretation of what was on the card.
We did speak about the way in English, words can be rather confusing. Sadly, R, one of our volunteers and also M., the lady who has been leading and who had a heavy cold, wasn’t with us today, our last session until the New Year, so she had written something on the white board for the students, which said “Bye - looking forward to seeing you next term.” We spoke about “Bye” when someone is taking their leave of you, “by” when it meant we had arrived “by car, or bus, or by walking” and then asked what they did when they go shopping - and of course, they “buy” things they need with money. At times the students looked a little puzzled but we explained how many English words can be baffling because they sound the same but mean something entirely different. However, we felt it all went very well, and I guess the good thing about having just a small number of students is that we can all join in with the chatting.
Because B. was leading the first part, and being a man, the chat did involve touch on the World Cup but it gave us a chance to tell them the difference between two words "won" and "one" - and I'm sure it helped!
I was tasked to do the Bible Story that we always do at the end, and having spoken to the other members of the team beforehand, I did link it loosely with Christmas, so that we could then chat with them about whether they celebrated it in their own countries or whether they would be celebrating now they were living in the UK. All in all a good morning - we reminded them that they can come to the Community Fridge on Monday and then have a cup of coffee and a cake in the Café and practise their English so we hope they will do that.
Now, at just after 2 o’clock, it is dark and dreary and raining yet again - it’s also quite cold, but we are trying not put our heating on yet, so I guess it will be “under the electric throw” for me soon and I will try and finish my knitting. A friend has asked if I will knit him some fingerless gloves, so I have made one and hope to finish the other one in a day or so.
At least it has stopped me putting chocolates in my mouth - and you all know I have made a pledge NOT to eat any chocolate before Christmas. I did think, as it was Abstract Thursday and the subject was “Fill the Frame” that I would use some of my Lindt chocolates, kindly given to me by Mr. & Mrs. T last weekend. However, Mr. HCB decided that he didn’t trust me not to pop one into my mouth, so stood over me while I counted them out of the box and then he counted them back in! “O ye of little faith” I said to him - “I am a determined woman!”
So here are all my Lindt Lindor chocolates, piled high in a wooden dish and then fartnarkled with using my iColorama app - but I think you will agree that they are all “Filling the Frame”. On any other day like today, I might have been tempted to open the box and dip in, but not today - I am feeling strong!
I hope that we were able to help the students who came today and I thought this quote was very apt:
"Your words have power.
Speak words that are kind, loving,
positive, uplifting, encouraging,
and life-giving."
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