Return to the North

By Viking

Where once we’re stars

This shot was taken at 3.30am - need I say more!!!
After weeks of suffering from a post Covid cough I now have a trapped nerve in my butt cheek (sciatic nerve am assuming) Those of you who have had sciatica will no doubt be wincing now!! For the last few days I’ve had what I can only describe as constant ‘toothache’ in my butt cheek and it is stopping me from sleeping. Walking around helps a little, sitting is ok - uncomfortable depending on what else I’ve done but laying down is painful.
It’s a wonder I haven’t overdosed on the amount of painkillers I’ve taken but to no avail.
Yesterday I went to work very teary because I was surviving on about 3 hours of cat napping type sleep. No doubt tomorrow will be similar, although my tactic tonight was to get at least a solid hour while there was very little pain. Tonight I also came back downstairs and sat in the chair when it was too painful to lay. This has meant that I have managed to fall asleep in the chair a couple of times. While not ideal it is better than no sleep at all.
The NZ v India cricket is keeping me entertained in my waking moments!

To those who read yesterdays journal this puts a bit of flesh on the bones of at least one reason why I am miserable!

The title by the way links to the fact that before midnight the sky was full of beautiful stars, now cloud

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