Faded Glory

A productive day! As the little one isn’t coming until tomorrow I made a concerted effort to finish the craft/office area…just need to mop the floor and wait for some furniture and storage boxes to arrive.

A huge grocery delivery and two lots of Christmas stuff arriving meant I was largely confined to home…and then opted to stay in when I was on a roll with the sorting. I did get a load of washing line dried this afternoon, I gave it 20 minutes in the tumble dryer when I brought it in so I could put it straight away. All is now tidy…until the two legged tornado gets here!

The roses from a few weeks ago have faded in a blaze of glory, I’m still loathe to dispose of them yet…though I expect the wee one will enjoy knocking the petals to the floor tomorrow.

Hoping to catch up with you all tonight…last night I ended with a stonking headache and sore eyes.

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday and 60plus for taking care of Derelict Sunday.

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