
By Madchickenwoman


Nellie came late for coffee as Lowen had a Health visitor visit. He is doing well! Good thing she was delayed as it was a morning of torrential rain!
Conversation today was about friendship - I've lost / contact broken with  a few I considered close. They were complex characters, which is possibly why I liked them! But there came a crunch point where I realised the friendship was no longer viable. I put it down to their complexity finally being too much to balance the scale of friendship. Then I thought maybe it is me that needs to do some self reflection - after all having broken friendships seem to have occurred to me to me a few times so maybe I was the problem!!! Yikes!
Oh another saying I have got wrong for the majority of my life!  I referred to things going off like a "damp squid" - only to be corrected by someone that it was a "squib"!! That made us both laugh!
This is the misty view as I walked back to Calstock - I do love a misty scene!
I didn't make it to TaiChi - my sleep pattern is still all over the place and so I have been getting headaches - and the cooperative seaweed game from last week  has rather dampened my enthusiasm! I'll definitely go next week!

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