Something to watch for?
Spot if there's ONE day in the year with ABSOLUTELY nothing in flower.
With that in mind - I have NO Gorse bushes - BUT - I remember snatches of Mam reading from "Cicely Mary Barker's 1923 book Flower Fairies":-
“When gorse is out of blossom,”
(Its prickles bare of gold)
“Then kissing’s out of fashion,”
Said country-folk of old.
Now Gorse is in its glory
In May when skies are blue,
But when its time is over,
Whatever shall we do?
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
O dreary would the world be,
With everyone grown cold—
Forlorn as prickly bushes
Without their fairy gold!
But this will never happen:
At every time of year
You’ll find one bit of blossom—
A kiss from someone dear!"
I went out for a short prowl and "point&click". I spotted these Aponogetons AKA "Water Hawthorn" in flower. I've not done a full Census - but - There's that, Jasmin, ONE Strawberry, the Viburnum Bodnantense and the Cyclamen Persicum in flower now, with the Sarcococca due any time soon.
Six Rashers, from Cranston's, = 225gm ≈ 37.50 gm each - BUT - LOOK twice as thick AND I don't recall dense clouds of steam ever rising off them, OR running down the Teppanyaki.
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