Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


I watched a bit of football, but soon got tired of it. Within a couple of minutes somebody was rolling around on the ground in ‘absolute agony’. The replay always shows that he was hardly touched, if at all. Why don’t they send such cheats OFF?

JR was back at her beloved gym session first thing this morning, then took Archie out when she came home. She then popped to Waitrose to pick up some sushi to bring over to Hazel’s this evening.

I took Archie out in the afternoon. (Elizabeth is away as it’s her birthday). I popped in to see Dougal and his mum, to tell Christine all about our Krakow visit. She’s a big fan of the place, has been before, and is planning to go again for next Christmas. They make a BIG effort with the Christmas Market.

She decided to come with us for a stroll round the Meadows. We passed by the ‘Born Free’ lions statues, still there, and were horrified to see - though we knew about it - graffiti on the big land rover. Absolutely sickening that someone would do that. But then, they’ve vandalised our hire bikes so that they’ve had to remove them, unlike most other cities. What is wrong with these people?

We had a pleasant evening with Hazel, and caught up on her wonderful Safari (which was where we went to five years ago). She was over the moon about it, rightly so. Also, she extolled the pleasures of South Africa, which are many and various, and we’re determined to go there next year. 

A great night with Hazel, we’ve missed her.

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