
By mrsanf

Special day

54 years ago today my ma and pa got married, so as not to have to remember too many dates it was cunningly arranged to fall on mums birthday. I have this picture on the wall and often smile and wonder what they were both thinking behind theses smiles....."we'll we've only been and gone and done it now!"

Sadly dad isn't around for us to celebrate their anniversary but mum has clocked up another year. I don't live close enough to pop round and share the day with her and I haven't been able to book time off work this year to make the journey, so a call a lunchtime was the best I could do.

Luckily my other sisters, mum's older sister and her niece popped round today.

Second day of writing reports now done.....just need to practise, practise and practise some more!

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