Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Christmas Yeti

He's still waiting in the storage room for his turn to come upstairs.  This is silly on so many levels that I had to blip him for Silly Saturday.  He does a silly song and dance that make the bells around his neck ring.  I wish I could it share on blip!  I think Admirer would have liked him. :-)

It was mostly baking and laundry for me today, although I did do some rearranging in the living room to make space for Christmas things.  I have an idea for a different place for the tree this year.  It always goes in the middle of the front window, but that's where Piper likes to sit and look out.  I haven't mentioned it to PD yet.  He's been glued to the TV since Thursday watching football - not the World cup, but American college football, his favorite.  I am glad he enjoys it so much.  I don't, but I always have something to do anyway. 

I am grateful that my hearing test appointment got moved up a month.  Usually being on the cancellation list doesn't help, but this time it did and I'll be going on Monday.  It's not like it's urgent, but I really didn't want to go on the day after Christmas. ;-) 

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