I only noticed the tiny Sundew (I think) plant when I put this close-up of the Venus Fly Trap up on the big screen. That's a bonus. I'll keep an eye on it and find out about transplanting it into its own pot some time.

I did a big decluttering task today which has been on my mind for ages, and turned out not to be so big once I started. I think I imagined it was going to be more of an emotional tug, although now I really can't think why I thought chucking out 20 years of business accounts and associated paperwork would bring any lumps to my throat - quite the opposite. A small weight off my shoulders and more space in the under-eaves cupboard. (I see that the linked Blip is nearly 5 years old and I was declaring good intentions about clearing the cupboard then - oh well, at least I've now made a start.)

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