The one where ....

.... the first four members of the Snow Family looked on whilst the fifth member was being created. 

I have enjoyed a quiet day at home and got slightly carried away needle felting - one snowman from a kit lead to a whole family !!! 

I also spent some time in my shed (first time in a while) planting some bulbs into pots - slightly later than I intended but hopefully I will still get some flower.  Time will tell. 

I also started preparing for a talk I will be giving to my local u3a History Group. It's not until the end of January but am conscious Christmas and New Year will intervene and we will be away for a week in January. 

I will be exploring the life and times of Lady Evelyn Stewart Murray, the youngest daughter of the seventh Duke of Athol whose life was far from typical of that of a Victorian young lady. In her late teens and early twenties she collected, collated and translated Gaelic folk tales from the inhabitants of the Athol Estates.  She became ill and was sent aboard by her family and, having been "discouraged" from pursuing her studies in Gaelic, become a collector and maker of fine lace.  

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