
By Doingok

Hotel Art Revisited

I'm always curious to see what kind of art is on the walls - I do think it says something about the aesthetics of the place.  This one was easy on the eye.  We arrived in Mobile, Alabama after being in the car about 10 hours. The last couple of hours were in torrential rain so not at all comfortable driving and the reason it took so long. 

Leaving Na'iema was not easy. She had gotten up early yesterday and we weren't there (went out for coffee as Logan and Josie don't drink it or have anything to make it in). She panicked and thought we left without saying goodbye so we got a tearful FaceTime call while sitting at Starbucks. Be still my heart.  We spent all day Friday together and then the basketball game. She kept saying "I don't want you to leave". Once again pulling at my heart strings.  We had a blast with her and Logan and Josie even got a chance to go out with Josie's brother last night for a small anniversary celebration.  Today is their 6th anniversary.  We managed to get in a game of Scavenger Hunt and some coloring before we left at 9.

We called tonight and she seemed to be over the sadness - I love a resilient child! Not sure when we'll see her again in person, maybe in May but I'm confident that our bond is solid and look forward to the next time.

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