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By pplnani

Wet Feet

........... the grass was still rather wet when I went for a walk this morning - surprisingly, not from overnight rain ( we didn’t have any for a change ) but from fog, mist and general dampness. We did get some sun, on and off throughout the day but not enough to dry anything out :-/

We have been getting through lots more ground bird food for the last couple of days. We normally put out one scoop each day which lasts all day but by lunchtime recently all the food has disappeared. It was a mystery as I’ve not seen more birds than usual. We assumed we might have another rodent problem but today I caught the culprit red handed ( see extra ) - it returned to eat some more at least five times in 30 minutes. As you can see it looks very well fed and well cared for, so I’m guessing it’s got a good home ........... just likes a bit of muesli for a mid morning snack, lol ;-))

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