Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks


I managed a much longer walk today including the almost washed away and barely passable Old Glossop Back Stitch path which is more like an assault course.

Then a rare treat I walked the tarmac of Woodhead Road to Allman’s farm in safety. Extra photo of something I have never noticed before a Milestone and Mounting block.

The road is currently closed to through traffic so I took the opportunity to take many different photos of Cat Wood. the best is an Extra Photo.

Then on to Swineshaw Reservoir and despite a poor weather forecast it continued to be bright and sunny so I took a long time lining up so reflections of the farm and hillside in the water. the best is my choice as main photo.

The next part of the walk was wet underfoot,  very wet and then the very narrow path gets a little scary especially when covered leaves and a nasty drop. I survived and only slipped on the last step (no fall).

I passed Cote Lodge using Merlin ID app listening for birds and it heard Blackbird, Robin, Great Tit and Kingfisher.   I didn’t hear this as I am currently suffering with poor hearing in one ear.   I stood for ages but could not see a Kingfisher. I suspect it could see me as the bright sunlight was against me.

Home for coffee and my sister was making scones.

A new baby has been born to of our near neighbours and I had a good chat to it’s excited new Dad.

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