Waxing crescent

Apparently it’s not a quarter moon until tomorrow, today it’s in an intermediary phase. I tried to blip the moon yesterday when I got back from running but wasn’t pleased with the result, this one is better.
A good day mostly at the gym until lunchtime, for once the pool was almost empty and I had a lane to myself and the sauna was similarly quiet.
The usual admin post lunch although some of it was just about pleasurable. And then an afternoon of reading, the absolute bliss of retirement. My neighbour recently introduced me to Cormoran Strike, Robert Galbraith’s aka J K Rowling likeable private detective. Which has prompted me to contact my local MSP making known my concerns around the rush, in my opinion, to push through the Gender Recognition Reform Bill. A complex issue which requires more listening. There are others things I would like tell him too, but one thing at a time. He has an excellent Caseworker and I’m looking forward to the reply.

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