Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

They're still flowering generously

The roses around our back yard are still flowering well - yellow, white and pink.

We rang the Estate Agent this morning - "oh, I was going to call after lunch" - maybe in Ireland we should accept that Monday evening extends to Tuesday lunchtime.

There's competition for the house - we've had to increase our offer.  There's pros and cons to this - on the one hand it's reassuring to know that other people like the house - we're not going out on a lonely limb here, but of course on the other hand it means we have to be sensible and try not to get carried away.  We spent some time this morning browsing other houses for sale, and may arrange another couple of visits once the lurgy clears completely.  

We did manage a short trip to the supermarket, (and the Estate Agent did ring whilst we were there) but I'm still coughing quite vigorously, in what must be quite annoying to listen to, and not feeling 100%.

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