This is as colourful as it got today
Well, the sky, anyway, so I'm very pleased I snapped this splash of blue, no pun intended, while walking Indie, who is always eager to go for a walk with me, so I'm not sure why she is so naughty when Suzanne comes to walk her. Suzanne is so good with her. Of course, it won't be a problem as of the 22 December.
I loaded the rubbish for the recycle centre in the boot of the car, got Mum in, then we headed to Newton Abbot, rubbish disposed of easily & swiftly, the on to The Willows, an M&S visit, trousers tried on, downsized, tried again, plus a lovely warm jumper, & thermal vests. That's Mum kitted out for a while. Back to Newton Abbot, Xmas cards purchased in the British Heart Foundation charity shop, sausagemeat for Xmas day bought from Baker the butcher. Sounds like a family in Simon Drew, the artist's, Happy Families card game, based on businesses local to Dartmouth.. Very clever!
Walked around to the library for an up to date bus timetable book for the area. Out of stock Never mind!
We had coffee & a chocolate éclair back at Mum's. We were going to have coffee in M&S but the queue for the coffee shop was as long if not longer than the queue to pay for Mum's clothes.. There IS a limit to queueing, even if "we" are renowned for it..
Gnocchi plus :-) for my dinner tonight, hubby would rather have oven baked fish & chips with mushy peas. I know which I'd rather have.
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