Ar y ffordd i'r masnachwyr adeiladwyr

Ar y ffordd i'r masnachwyr adeiladwyr ~ On the way to the builders' merchants

“The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.”
― James Taylor

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Heddiw roedd fy nhroi i feddwl am fod adeiladwr. Pan glirio'r malurion sylwais i fod ni angen cwpl o beipiau dŵr newydd. Felly heddiw cerddais i i lawr i'r masnachwyr adeiladwyr. Mae ychydig yn anhrefnus yno ond ffeindiais i'r beipiau - yn y pen draw. Mae'n gyfleus cael lle fel hyn ar waelod y stryd, fel y gallaf i gario pethau adref.  Yfory ryw i'n mynd i chwarae rôl plymwr.

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Today it was my turn to think about being a builder. When I cleared the debris I noticed we needed a couple of new down pipes. So today I walked down to the builders merchants. It's a bit chaotic in there but I found the pipes - eventually. It's convenient to have a place like this at the bottom of the street, so I can carry things home. Tomorrow I'm going to play the role of a plumber.

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