A mixed day

Hair appointment day, so list prepared and we headed for town.
The first delay was before we got off the driveway …. a delivery heading in the wrong direction. 

The next was dropping off some curtains belonging to R that need to be cleaned. I hadn’t realised that the process includes each one being precisely measured. I now know that two are 2.4 metres long and the remaining seven are 1.78 metres. The cost of cleaning was calculated on these lengths. I was horrified at the price …..I’ve told R that we are spending her inheritance!!! It is easier than me trying to wash and dry them at this time of year. 

It took ages and I was a bit late for my appointment, but Billy was ok about it and did a super job.

Getting the items on the list was a bit hit and miss. Finding things in some of the shops which are packed with Christmas goodies is time consuming. I got what I could and then gave up. B and I have had stinking colds for the last few days and are on the mend, but fairly wiped out. 

R is staying with us for a few days and is working from home. She has her ‘stuff’ set up in my sewing room. Whilst we were out today Amber was delighted to keep her company and investigate the other members of the SLT when they spoke on the screen. 

I almost forgot. I delivered the parcel to the Chaplaincy on the way home. A very friendly, helpful gentleman received it and will see that Pamela will get them. 

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