Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Another incorrect weather forecast

The weather forecast was wrong again, the sun appeared and I thought it will be for 5 minutes but I gambled and won. It was bright sun for almost 2 hours and then changed to the predicted grey and damp and much colder.

I walk from home and up to the top of Shire Hill. I normally expect to meet dog walkers and dogs running around but I saw none a one :-)

The mai photo is of part of the path near the top on the South side just above a large commercial quarry.

Extra photo is a view North from the top of the hill towards Swineshaw Reservoir which is where I took the reflection photo a couple of days ago. Today the reservoir was already in the gloom

Our enthusiastic neighbours on all side are putting up their  Christmas lights. We are grateful for the light as the dark days are so gloomy.

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