All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Today was a bit miserable, weather wise ... very wet and windy. It didn't bode well for our planned trip today ... to Windsor to take Ethan on an open topped tour bus. Fortunately the hour long trip coincided with a break in the weather so we didn't get wet, although it was rather cold!

We also spent lots of time with my friend KC. Lunch at her house prior to the bus tour, then went with her to pick up her children from school (which Ethan was very enthusiastic about too) before back to her house for playtime and dinner. Her 3 children played so nicely with Ethan and Ethan even managed to leave with some toys / DVDs they no longer play with! Lucky boy!

Unfortunately due to the time we left, he fell asleep in the car for the hour long journey back to my Aunts house, sleeping 6.30pm - 7.30pm. We then had massive tears and tantrums from him when he woke. It was a real battle getting him back to bed, resulting in another 10pm bedtime but with him in our bed this time. It's amazing how quickly routines go out the window when you're away!

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